Mahinaona - Breastfeeding Medicine

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Trusted Resources Important For Your Child's Health

While the internet has become this amazing way that we are able to find pretty much any information that we would want, we are losing the ability to know which information is reliable. Because of it, when people are misinformed they can make decision that can drastically affect their health, such as the decision not to immunize their child because of the fear of harm driven by information in the media.  As a result, many children have unnecessarily suffered from disease outbreaks that are preventable.  This is just one example of how important it is to consult reliable sources for information.  

The other concern with searching the internet for information regarding your child's health is that the internet will never be specific to be able to speak to your child's individual health needs.  I know of families who's children have been diagnosed with asthma per the child's medical chart, however the families are unaware that their child has this official diagnoses.  Therefore if they were to search the internet for medical advice that may give advice or treatment options that would be contraindicated in a child with asthma, they would not be fully aware of the risks of listening to this advice.

I have listed below reliable resources for families to search information regarding health-related issues.  I encourage families to start with these sources first, rather than "google" searching the internet for general information.  If you cannot find the information you are looking for, I would then encourage you to speak to your primary care physician to ask for specific resources they would be safe for your child's individual needs.  

Healthy Children is a website sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics.  The advice that they give is trusted and reliable, consisting of short easy to read articles on EVERYTHING related to raising a healthy child, organized by stages from prenatal to young adulthood.  

Kids Health

Kids health is another great resource for information.  Sponsored by the Nemours Center for Children's Health Media, a physician-led center whose contents undergo a rigorous medical review by pediatricians and other medical experts.

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

One of the continued threats to a child's health, or anyone's health for that matter, are infectious diseases.  The Center of Disease Control and Prevention, otherwise known as the CDC, is a trusted and reliable resource that all physicians use.  They have great patient information on topics such as immunizations, travel, and outbreaks of illnesses. 


As a breastfeeding mother, it can often be confusing to know if medications that you are taking are safe for your nursing child.  Medications that were not safe during pregnancy are often safe during breastfeeding.  Many infections that mothers may have are still safe to nurse through.  On rare instances, lactation specialists and physician are not always aware of medications and medical conditions that are safe or harmful for for nursing mothers.  LactMed is a comprehensive resource verified by a physician-reviewed panel to ensure scientific accuracy.  It is up-dated monthly. 

Breastfeeding Resources

It can sometimes be difficult to know where to turn for breastfeeding information.  Many mothers have misconceptions regarding the breastfeeding experience.  Some mothers believe that it is supposed to be painful.  After all, a strong suck on any part of the body seems like it could hurt, and especially a place as sensitive as the breast.  However, babies are uniquely born with the ability to extract milk from mother in a painless way; therefore pain is an indicator that the latch is not correct.  Some mothers feel that they do not have enough milk because the baby seems to want to feed ALL NIGHT LONG!  Yet, this is a normal behavior that a baby instinctively knows to do since the milk-producing hormone, called pitocin, is at its highest levels at night, and the baby is trying to drive that hormone level up to ensure an adequate milk supply.  Sometimes having the right knowledge can make a difference between successfully breastfeeding and not.  The links below provide valuable information that can facilitate a successful breastfeeding experience. 

American Association of Poison Control Centers

In our modern day lives we are surrounded by chemicals, medications, and drugs that can be extremely harmful to our little ones.  As a parent, one of the scariest things that can happen to your child is the accidental ingestion of a poison that could be lethal to your child.  

If your child has ingested something or has come into contact with something that you feel could be poisonous, and your child appears okay, call 1-800-222-1222 immediately.  If your child appears ill, call 911 immediately for urgent medical assistance. 

Click on the button below if you need to search for more information on a specific poison or toxin that you are concerned about. 

Click on the button below for more general information on latest news related to poisons, prevention, and other toxin concerns. 

Hawaii's Department of Health (DOH)

Department of Health is a local-specific resources for information related to health and disease in Hawaii.

Click below to see DOH's Healthy Keiki Resources.  This version is from 2012.  This document is listed on their current website, but the contact information may not be up-to-date.  Internet searching their contact info for more recent information may be necessary. 

Click below for DOH's landing page website.